My Love, I am cleaning you, wiping the smears off. So when people and conversations revisit those old ways, return to those old names, you feel the smearing happen and you notice it in contrast to My cleaning. But I am saying ‘No more’ to all of that for you and I am drawing a line under all of it. No more victim, no more rejected, no more less than, no more left aside. These are not the names I have for you.
You are in the centre; the very centre of Me, of My love and My gaze. My will, My vision, My purpose. You are My bride and My heart. When anything jars this and your new resting in Me, you feel it because I am tethering and yolking you to Me. You are shaking it all off, what has gone before. And you are beautiful. So beautiful. I can’t take My eyes off you, so beautiful is the transformation. Where would our love be without you? All I want is to be with you in this space so that I can make you more beautiful and to revel in the love that we make together. Cup your ears to Me and what I have to say about you.
Jesus, I just want to be pure and beautiful for You. I’ll let go of what You want me to, forgive what You ask me to, because I am an arrow pointed straight for Your heart and I will let nothing interfere with me hitting my mark. Nothing will get in the way of this; whatever has been said, whatever has been done. Nothing compares to the way that You see me and when You love me, it all falls away and all I desire is to fulfill Your longing and desire for me.
My eyes, my ears, my heart are fixed on You, feasting on You until I am satisfied. I had no idea it could be like this with You, that You could be with me and speak to me in this way. This loss, this loneliness, this emptiness is worth every second to be with You in this way. My undivided heart with Your undivided heart, held in the beauty of You.