For My Son (the God of the big and the God of the Small)

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?  Tell me, if you understand.  Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?”     Job 38:4

“All your children will be taught by the Lord and great will be their peace”    Isaiah 54:13

Who raises the burning sun from the ground each morning and holds it in glorious splendour? 

Who counts the billowed clouds across the skies, placing each into their expansive display?  

Who pulls sound through the wind, allowing each animal to raise their voice? 

You may not see Me, but do not mistake that I am there, child.

Who carves lightning across the sky with the glance of a fingertip?

And chisels out hail, telling it when to fall?

Who breathes the wind and calls its direction, so the leaves can dance as they move through the air?

You may not see Me, but don’t doubt my power, dear one.

Who holds the mountains steady and firm, moulding their shapes inside palm of hand?

Who guides water down hillsides to their reservoir homes?

The movement and holding of Creation around you, the rhythm and flow, the cycles and change…

Do you think nothing holds this all in place in each moment? That it simply exists outside the strength of My hands?

Who leads the dormouse from their burrow as the springtime beckons with warm breath?

Or counts the days for the sow to give birth, telling her when to stretch open?

Holding all things in time, all seasons in order; moments, days, years and generations.

The expanse of galaxies balance in My hand, do I ever let them fall?

I am the God of the big and I am the God of the small.

Your mother grew you in her body, but she didn’t know how.  She did not choose the seed for her egg, or attach you to her walls, plugging in the lace to provide you with nourishment. She may have watched with wonder as her body changed and grew; heart moving, lungs shrinking to offer you room, but did she know what to do and did anyone teach her how?  No, because it was I who sealed your lashes one by one.  And I who painted white the tips of your nails.  It was I who moved and guided her body into place, who led you down the pass and guided your crown into the world.  When you gaze at your reflection, see the skin that I smoothed across your bones, the ears that I moulded around sound and the bow of your lips to give your laughter its curve.   My fingerprints have been all over you from the start.

And still, still you are evolving and growing to the sound of My voice.  Your voice drops at my direction, your limbs lengthen at My word, you are discovering your humour, your strength, your quick mind.  Did you decide on any of this? Did you choose how to be?  Have you decided your height and weight, the shape of your nose and the span of your hands?  You are growing from boy to man but you are not directing any of this.  I am.  And I am proud of My creation glory evident through all of you.  Because you look like Me and you are so, so good.

You can be still and breathe.  For I am the God of the big and I am the God of the small.

There is no place you can be away from me.  No corner that I do not see you.  No corridor you walk down,  that I do not walk ahead and follow behind.  Who do you think stops the hands from touching you? Who moved your name in front of the teacher who would step in and help? Who said the words ‘no physical contact’ through the mouth of the watching bystander?  Who is protecting your heart and mind so that you  go back with strength and resilience each day, with confidence growing in the face of it all? 

Who places a hand on you at night, stilling your mind from the terrors?  Do you not know that I walk with you in your dreams,  leading you in adventures and pointing out mysteries to you?   I am your God and your teacher and great will be your peace.  I wove joy into you as you grew inside your mum’s womb; the joy that coursed through her became the thread of your body and I renew this cup fresh each morning to carry you through the day.  You can feel this running through you.

I am the edges that you cannot go beyond.  I will stretch you and grow you and equip you.  I have perfect timing, accurate precision, so know that even in the hard, I know what I am doing and I will not fail.

Keep coming to the secret place.  Keep coming and lending your ear and your heart to me.  We will create our own wild adventures without limits, just you and I, no one else.  You will know Me in a way that no one else can, delight Me in a way that no one else can.  There is no fear or failure in Me, child, only belonging and only love.  You are safe with Me.

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