Painting Your Future

You know that I am right there..?  Painting streams of luminous colour and radiant light through all of it.  The years you’ve seen stretching ahead, with held breath, looming and uncertain, are my beautiful wild garden that I’m breathing into life, bringing to bloom with a riot of scent and life and creative abandon.  I fill all of it.  Your future  is not a vacant, empty space, waiting to be filled with careless events, determined by chance and the domino run of other people’s choices and decisions, knocking one against the other, leaving you to stand or fall.  I am the One and I am right there now.  As you rest with Me here now, still, tucked into Me, my Spirit runs through all of it.  With more life than you can even dare to imagine, stirring you to fullness, flooding the corners and dark spaces with everything that your heart desires.  

Each way you turn, each step you take, you will see how I have hidden treasures with care, ready for you to discover and delight in as you move forwards with Me; bringing you back to who you are and everything I placed inside you right back at the start.  Stay with Me and you will remember; the dreams that have been knocked, dented, rendered forgotten will grow larger than you can hold within your small frame.  These dreams will no longer be silent with slumber; no longer dimly flickering, almost snuffed out, so faint that you can barely see them through the fog of years and disappointment.  They’ll bubble and surface with burning joy refusing to be held in or denied, because I am singing them back into glorious life, stirring them once again and My word, My promise, what I begin, never returns empty.    

I know you have found it hard to believe that good might be coming, that My plans for you will bring wholeness and a full heart, that I really am carrying you, surrounding you, keenly connected and protectively watchful, hemming you in on every side.  Because your years past have been marked by scarcity, with people leaving who were meant to stay.  You were bruised and knocked but remained unsteadily standing.  You clung onto the goodness of people, chose to see the light in them in order to protect your own, whilst their humanity and frailty carved their own deep scars on your young, tender heart.  You learned over and over that despite all best efforts and earnest tries, that people fall apart, cannot hold it together and you gathered the scattered parts of yourself and the world back together.  You learned that people are good, but that life seems unpredictable and often harshly relentless.  Tragedy has come arbitrarily, over and over, leaving you reeling and floundering, one after another.  So your present days gradually became coloured by a shapeless grief for what you feared the future would hold. 

I know this.  I have seen it from the start.  There are things I cannot explain now, but My heart has been intimately connected with you in each single moment; your hurt and loneliness taken as my own; being with you in all of it, my Dear One.  I have never turned my gaze away.  My heart’s beat has covered your own, allowing you to hold fast in the pain, to turn these wounds and this compassion into a path to My heart; a signpost for where I am in suffering, because you have learned to find Me there.  Even in the hardest places you have found that I am never far, I am closer than skin, that I am nearer than you can bear.

So here, My love and longing for you, the rolling tides of My justice and mercy have called ‘Enough’ to what has gone before.  Tenderly, gently, I have led you away, hidden you to rest in quiet pastures, brought you to the wilderness for you to remember who you are; who I created you to be.  And this wilderness has become our Eden, as I have loved you back to Life, growing this intimacy between us, where My voice draws you above any other, runs deeper through you than any other, a mutual surrender of Love. Your past may have been scarce, but I am abundant. 

Nothing is wasted.  Nothing is lost.  I redeem every last part of it.  No longer will you be in places where you have to shrink to fit, to accommodate the comfort of others.  I am leading you to places where your voice, your heart, everything you are will be used wildly without limit.  You will soar, rising in abandoned life, as you move and speak freedom to others because of the places you have known, the ways you have found Me in the dark.  

So there is no fear in the future for you now, Dear One.  Only love. Only love.  When those old patterns come pulling at you, rememberRemember who I am. Turn your face back to Mine.  My gaze will take you in and you’ll see Me dancing a holy war cry of rushing, unending joy through all the years ahead once again.  

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