
Goodness…He knows how we  always wrestle…how we remember and long for Him as a deeply buried but constantly held memory of how we began, how we were created to be: one and in total peace and harmony with Him, no separation, no divide, held in continual, unbroken Love with Him.

But there’s so much noise that gets in the way, like insistent pings and chimes of texts and emails, drowning out the tender whispers from Him without us even really making the active choice to look away. 

A growing tide of day-in-day-out tasks and distractions pull our eyes back to the immediate. Even just the physical things around us, man made towers and refuges and objects and distractions to interrupt us and meet our needs apart from Him. 

TVs, computers, cups and saucers, even the walls of our homes, that limit our horizon to what’s literally in front of us, with only tiny openings to glimpse the glory of Him all over the trees and skies, that whisper that He’s here, still, all around us.

Why do you think you love that view so much?  And the wide open spaces, the forests and rivers and the bird call?  Because of what it calls to, settles in you. Because it’s Him in the beauty of it all, showing His face, His hands, His imagination in all of it. He’s right there, laughing in the sounds of the trees. Can’t you hear it?

He literally sustains you whether you know it or not, surrounding you with the beauty and soothing that He knows you need; to still and breathe when everything is pressing in and you’re losing perspective. And He doesn’t even claim credit, just being who He is and soothing who you are is enough. 

He understands this wrestling, how hard it is, to tune in to Him, His frequency, to remain with Him, when everything around us is constant noise drowning the gentle constant signal. But he’s there. Always still. Swollen and full with compassion for how we’re constantly recovering and withdrawing from the addiction to pull away from him and stuff ourselves with anything but him. Any other fix.

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