This Is How He Loves

Jesus is the easiest person to be around. He is so beautiful in how He loves. He doesn’t need anything from me, from you. He is entirely at ease and content with Himself. He has no pride, no ego, no unmet needs. He is not hurt or offended if you forget to ask how He is today. He doesn’t need you to make Him comfortable. He doesn’t need or want you to rein yourself in, to give Him space, filter what you say, or edit yourself. He is the place where you can be totally free, comfortable to be entirely yourself, no role to play, no expectations to meet; to just come with all that you are, your struggles, your flaws, your confusion, your tension, your swearing. You don’t need to explain anything to Him, to justify anything, to put anything into words, because He knows it all anyway. He came to lift things off, not add more on. You can just be with Him and He will gently loosen it all, allow you to breathe; His yoke really is easy and His burden really is light (Matthew 11:28). He knows how to be the lover of your soul (Song of Solomon 7:10).  

Because He is your Maker, He knows who He created you to be, what fits you, and what will bring you to life. He knows the desires, dreams and gifts He placed in you that will fill you, and allow you to thrive and He knows how to lead you there, to where you belong. He is carving out spaces for you already. This is what He means when He says He has good plans for you;  plans to prosper you and not to harm you (Jeremiah 29:11).  He wants closeness with you not because He needs anything from you. But because you were created for Him, to love and be loved by Him, for you to be delighted by Him and He in You in a true love relationship. His imprint is on you because He formed you right back there in the beginning. His was the first voice that you heard and said yes to when He spoke you into life before any other voices came in (Genesis 1:26). The memory of His voice remains there as an echo so that full, lasting contentment can never be found away from Him (John 4:13-15). He is so core to who we are. He is our Home and we will return to  Him one day (Acts 17:31).

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