Morning. It’s 4.50 am. The sting of disappointment is sharp this morning, a sleep thief. If you, too, are a single one searching for love, then this disappointment, and the desire to be loved, wanted, longed for even, maybe archly familiar to you too.
The longing to be loved is strong, universal even. Songs and books of all genres are littered with the desire to be loved in a way that’s deep and lasting.
But it’s hard to find, isn’t it? And even when found, the path is known to be faltering, unsteady. Because we are human, flawed, with needs that can demand to be met in unloving ways.
But what if these desires were never meant to be met by a person? What if they are so often left wanting because we are looking in the wrong place? What if the One who created us, who intentionally knitted us together in the secret place, wants to come closer than breath? Nose-to-nose; close enough that we breathe Him in and breathe Him out? Drawing us into love with Him before we fall in love with another? Giving Himself intimately to us before we give ourselves intimately to another? This time of singleness becoming a unique, holy invitation to lock eyes with Him, to taste and see that He is so good that we never want to pull away?
All of our human longings and desires can be traced back to Him.
The Psalmist (145:13) says that ‘He is the One who satisfies your desires with good things.
King Solomon writes “I am my Beloved’s and His desire is towards me” (Song of Solomon 7:10).
King David says, “I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you…” (Psalm 63:1).
This language of love and longing, is written by kings, men of war, familiar with death, with blood on their hands. These men were warriors but they also knew God not just as Yahweh, but intimately as One who could satisfy the deepest parts in a way no other could.
Our God is constant, unchanging. But He knows each of our hearts and He loves us individually, uniquely, in the way we need. His invitation to intimacy is given to each of us unreservedly. But how He will lead us to those places will be different, tailor-made. Come and lean in.
Ref: Psalm 139
This is so true and absolutely beautiful. So well captured and personally experienced Nic. Finding the one that resonates..
Hello, Kuldeep, how lovely to see you here! Thank you for your message, for taking the time, for your thoughts…Nic