Do you really want to settle? Don’t you want to run with Me? To stretch your heart and soul beyond the here and now, to where I am calling you, to where I created you to be; hind feet in high places. You can feel the draw to something bigger, bolder, like vibrations pulsing through you with weight and luminous colour, deep calling to deep. You could try to settle, eyes on the ordinary things in front of you, trying to be satisfied with the here and now and the dim reflection of human connection. Scraping the crumbs on the surface when you’re starving for the deep. But the swell in you is too strong. The yearning, the ache, like a deepening groan that won’t be quelled. With years passing, it only becomes stronger, clearer, like the tone of a pitch pipe cutting across the wind and noise.
You were made to look Me in the eye. There are things I want to say to you but you wouldn’t be able to bear it right now. But come closer. Spend time with Me, hide with Me and I’ll share secrets that few stay long enough to hear. I’ll show you things that will make your heart sing and your voice roar. There is never a time that I will shrink you in, lower your voice, make you smaller to accommodate me. I made you radiant, glorious, irrepressible with an indominable spirit. A beautiful reflection of all that I am. You breathe Me in and I will fill you to overflowing with nothing withheld. Everything that I have is yours. You delight me and my laughter resounds over you with an echo that claims you for eternity. Can you hear how even my heartbeat sounds for you, like a radar holding you to me with every pulse…?
There is never a time that I will hold you away, be far from you. If you come close, stay with Me, I will dance and teach you to move with Me, exhilarated and free in our own adventure curated just for us. There’ll be so much life that you won’t be able to hold it in – it will keep flowing and spilling over the edges and touching all around you, growing more beauty and life, over and over. I have so much I want to show you, to lead you into. Will you come? Will you come?