Come Dream With Me

Come dream with Me. Pick up all that has been long laid down and come dream with Me again.

All that is inside you, all that has burned and ached during this bare and barren season, all that feels too impossible to bring to life, come bring it to Me.  Bring it to this place of love between us, to this altar where we both lay ourselves down and let Me see all that you long for, all that you desire.  Let me see all of you.  

Because all of this that feels way too big for you, that can hardly stay inside of you; that crashes through you like a wild rushing waterfall, plummeting hard but with nowhere to go…all of this that cries out for expression…all of this…this was made for Me.  It was made by Me.  Created by Me.  Coming as a cry from My own heart and landing like an arrow in yours.  It is My love song for Creation, the song that brings beauty out of brokenness, joy out of mourning that cries out over and over with a relentless melody sounding across the ages.   And so of course it is overwhelming for your small frame, too large for you to hold and contain.  

But it is not too big for Me.  And so do not be afraid to allow the outpouring to overflow your heart, to allow yourself to feel it without stifling, without fear of frustration or bitter disappointment hindering the movement.  Without fearing where it might end, whether it will all come to nothing and be left wasted and empty.  Because nothing is wasted with Me.  Nothing that You give to Me will ever return empty.  

Because I will take all of this longing, all of this yearning, all of these long held surrendered dreams and I will run with them wildly through your years to come.  I will catch them and paint them across your life like vivid colour.  As you cry out and give them to me, sing them aloud with all of your breath, allowing them to move with the full force that they flow through you;  I will take a hold of them and give them right back to you.  I will bring them to fruition, cause them to flourish  through all the years to come, with more life and joy, more colour and vibrancy than anything you have ever hoped for, than anything you could have dreamed or imagined.

As you lay it all down in love for me, sing it all out  in tender trust in Me, I can’t wait for you to see all of My love laid back down for you, given back to you multiplied over and over in return.  You have no idea how much I love you.  How I love you in a way that runs through past, present and future simultaneously; how I can meet with you so closely now in this moment, whilst also covering your past,  filling your future, bringing all the threads across time and space together in ways that you cannot hold in hand at once.  All of My redemption and adoration for you on full, unashamed display.  

Do not hold back how much you long for and want Me, how much you need Me, because you will never be left empty, you will never be left wanting.  I will love you full measure, full force, with a love like the world has never known, like you have never known.  Do not be afraid.  Do not hold back.  Do not hold back.  Just keep coming.

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