Living Loved

Do you know that you are already so loved, Dear One? That you were created to live loved…? Soaked in a deep tide of rich, thick love coating and carrying you, you can lean back in its warmth and favour; knowing that this love will never change, never run out, never tire in its chasing, chasing, chasing after you.  Because it is your DNA;  to know that beloved is your name, belonging your crown, nothing lacking, nothing missing, created wonderful as you already are.  

I know that you haven’t been able to quite glimpse this, to catch a hold of just how much love you are already sitting in and  you have been aware instead of a deep hole inside of you;  the hole left in part by people who did not stay, by words spoken that left their mark.  But this is also the hole that is left yearning when apart from Me; the way that clay needs the potter who moulds its form, the way that oil needs the artist to colour its shape, so you need My words and My pleasure over who you are.  Because I am your Maker and My words created you in the beginning, speaking you into life. And you responded ‘yes’ to Me because You knew that you belonged in My hands, you were drawn and formed under My gaze and I am your home. 

But this ache for Me is oblique and half-hidden.  And when the sacred and invisible in you looks to be found in the carnal and physical, it will never work and you will be left wanting.  

Dear One, all of this that I am telling you, about how Love is engraved into you, how Love runs through you like iron through ore; like gravity through Earth’s core; is why searching for  love online always jars.  Because there is nothing about you that should have to search for love, to ask to be loved, to be evaluated and then set aside or found wanting.  And this is an offence to who I created you to be.    You were made to live loved.  To live, move and breathe from that place with no striving, no restlessness, no searching, no insecurity.  Just the security of Love running through your blood, your veins, your bones.

And when you go online, you take hold of the gate and open it too wide.  I am your Shepherd.  I lie across the entrance to your life, allowing some to come close, steering some away, because I know what you have come from, I know what you have had.  I know your vulnerabilities, the things that you carry and I protect you, I cover you.  Yes, my healing will come, but this will be with the steadiness of love over time, like warm oil soaking into the hard layers of years, as you come to Me over and over.  It will take time, My Love.  But I am a good Father and I do not traumatise My children.  I will not place you in situations that  increase the exposure or repeat the hurt.  If I give you a man, it will not be one who leaves.

So let My voice be louder over you than any other.  Turn up the volume on what I have to say about you rather than allowing all these other voices to speak their judgements.  They do not know you.  They did not create you.  They did not watch over and shield you in your childhood years, or bring you intentionally to be the woman that you have become,  through this tender dance of love that we have between us;  where you hear and respond to My voice, you move towards Me and in turn allow Me to move you, in all the ways that you need.  Turning your ashes into beauty, your sadness into joy, your grief into dancing, letting it all fall away…all fall away.  So just keep turning your ear and your heart towards Me, My Love.

And these men; when they speak to you in the way that they do, debase you in the ways that they do, they have no idea who they are talking to.  They do not know who you are.  They do not see your royal robes, the crown on your head or your status and position with Me.  And they do not know Who it is that protects you.  Hear this as My holy growl over you.

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