About Me
Hello there!
It’s really, really lovely to have you here. I’m Nic, my life isn’t all that together, I don’t mind and I write it all out here. I’m fairly recently divorced, with two young kiddies.
My background is littered with things like divorces, bereavement and a few other things that will get mentioned here as time goes on.
Through the fall-aparts, the celebrations and let downs, the stunning mistakes, He has stayed. Been the golden thread and my real love story through it all. I’ll write more about that too. So, you are really welcome here. And I love chatting at any chance I get. So please do feel free to comment if you wish, it would be lovely to hear from you!

Stay close
I don’t know about you, but I have had a frequent sense that I can only come into God’s presence if I am ‘clean’, if I’m behaving well.

Finding The One
The longing to be loved is strong, universal even. Songs and books of all genres are littered with the desire to be loved in a way that’s deep and lasting.

When I Do What I Shouldn’t
There are times when it is really difficult to turn to Him first. To look for Him in the middle of desire, when it’s a real ache; restless, physical.
Blog Articles

Fragile Surrender
This has been a fragile surrender. Coming out of a 24 year marriage with my own and two young children’s hearts to tend to, has stretched me..

Stay Soft
So…I have been doing the whole online dating thing. It has been quite something. And one of the things I find myself…

This Is How He Loves
Jesus is the easiest person to be around. He is so beautiful in how He loves. He doesn’t need anything from me, from you.